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It's Alyse

Hi, thanks for stopping by. I'm Alyse, and this is a blog about my ETA year in Mexico.


I am a 22 year old college grad. I majored in Philosophy and English, which I count as one of the best decisions of my life. Also, I have moved 23 times.


A friend of mine explained that to be a pilgrim, one must have a destination in mind. I'm sure she borrowed that definition from somewhere, but I will borrow it from her. I do my best to lead a purpose-driven life, so I think it is fitting to describe my semi-nomadic life as a pilgrimage around the globe. You can journey with me, if you wish, by following my blog.


Please do drop me a line, if you like. I love to talk about books, Aristotle, tea, little kids, my family, essay writing, Jesus, or traveling. Also, other things.


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